Feed Your Mind
Happy Wednesday here in the Wyld Wyrld!
If you've been keeping up with this Wyld Wyrds blog you know that I'm on a quest to improve myself. The idea (at least in theory) is to see if I can get myself into a Bruce Lee-ish shape! Bruce was 32 when he passed and I'm twice his age plus Bruce was never 85 pounds overweight! I started this journey originally at about 230-ish pounds and was working towards a Santa Claus body! I was extremely unhappy and depressed after the loss of our son and was basically letting myself go to hell...quickly. The one saving grace was that I was still eating a plant-based diet. The pain of losing our son has not diminished but my attitude has been changing over time to one of being the best I can be with who I am.
When it comes to nutrition, diet, exercise, etc. I tend to be very single minded. All day, every day I think about and feed my brain information about the things I put into it and how I treat myself. I'm constantly reading books, watching YouTube videos and listening to podcasts on nutrition. I think it's kept that we not believe what we are told by the food industry. I was in the media business for my entire career and I know a lot about advertising. It's all about twisting the truth to your advantage. A good ad campaign can make eating poison seem like the best thing for diet control. Yes, you too can be as skinny as a skeleton! You will BE a skeleton!
When I go on my morning walk I'm listening to to books on take or podcasts about nutrition. It's key that I feed my brain this information. Knowledge is power and the better you can make choices in your life. It's KEY that you find a way to cut through the crap and get to the truth of the matter. I'm currently listening to Dr. Michael Greger's "How Not To Diet" book. His super power is to take all the studies that have been done on foods and nutrition and boil them down to the essence so that you and I can benefit from the basics...what works and what doesn't. Makes sense to me. I'm one of those people who will gladly do what's best for me even if I'd prefer a donut!! Lol....I never met a donut I didn't like but the little S.O.B. hate me and want to kill me so let's just leave them be, ok?!
Don't take my word for it, do the research yourself. It's key that you do what works best for you but make sure that what you are doing is REALLY the best for you and not just what you think it should be. A lot of people eat chicken because they think it's the healthiest choice. Have you really done the research? Again, don't take my word...or ANYONE else's word for it. Do the work and find out what's the real story. But how do you know what the truth is? That's an aggregate for me. I'll check out multiple sources to see if the information is repeated. If 10 nutritionists or 10 physicians (with a background in nutrition) tell me that eating kale in copious quantities is good for me, then I tend to believe it. If one person tells me that eating fried chicken and quarter pounders is a winning diet, I block them from my social media and move on!
That's all for this time. Keep at it. You can be the best you can be but it takes some work! Stay Wyld my friends. -G
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