Mid-Week Update
Welcome back to Wyld Wyrds and a mid-week update on my current experiment to see how an overweight 64 year old can get back into shape. I know we talked about being in Bruce Lee shape and I'm here to tell you that that's probably not ever going to happen but it is a goal to shoot for. We all need measurable, attainable goals as well as that one image to strive for.
No, I'm not deluding myself into believing that I could ever get into the same shape as Bruce Lee was before he died at 32. He had spent most of a lifetime working on his physique. While I am doing some strengthening exercises and walking a lot, I'm not at a place to be able to remotely being doing the same kinds of physical exercises that Bruce did. When I was 18, I could do thumb push-ups and almost was able to do one-handed push-ups...but 18 was a very long time ago so again, no delusions there.
I won't tell you that ever day is sunshine, lollypops and rainbows. For a good portion of Thursday morning I was just out of sorts. I had completed my 5 mile walk but just felt wiped out. All I can figure is that I had a rather large glass of a different red wine on Wednesday evening. It was just another sign that I should be letting go of all alcohol. As the day went along things got better.
Most of the time these days I spend doing research on nutrition and health. Currently, I'm listening to Dr. Michael Greger's audiobook, How Not To Diet. It's jam packed with information and some of it is flabbergasting! How we got into this whole obesity mess is really interesting and really what it boils down to is greed. How sad. The other aspect is that we continue to let it happen. Educate yourself. Education is the best way to cut through all the diet B.S. You don't need to diet...you need to change your lifestyle.
Heading into the first weekend of this program and we'll see how things go. Weekends can be difficult but with some perseverance, it can be done!! Until next time. -G
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