Not Obese...Just Overweight!

Hey Wyld Wyrder's! Just a quick update. Friday morning I stepped on the scale and was pleasantly surprised to see it blink back, 191 lbs! A quick visit to my favorite BMI calculator shows that my BMI is at 29.9 which means that I have officially dropped from being considered obese to just overweight! That sound like a small thing and I still have a long way to go but it's the small victories that lead to overall success.

Have you ever heard the term "Eating the Elephant?" It's how I view most everything these days. If you haven't this saying, here's a quick lesson. Desmond Tutu once wisely said that “there is only one way to eat an elephant: a bite at a time.” If you stare at the elephant you will be completely overwhelmed by its size but one bite at a time means you take whatever task just one small step at a time. (BTW...elephants are vegan!)

Hitting these small goals help keep us motivated. It's good to feel good about these small victories because it means you are one step closer to your overall goal of eating the elephant. Hitting a BMI of 29.9 and 191 lbs means that I'm just that much closer to the original goal of 145 lbs and a BMI of 22.7. 

Those are my about you? It doesn't have to be a weight. It can be something as simple as getting back into a favorite shirt or dress. I do a bit of cosplay and recently ordered a custom made Green Hornet coat. I ordered the coat smaller so that it was also an incentive to losing weight. Granted, when I make my goal I may have to have it altered but we will cross that bridge when we get there! One word of caution though is to not celebrate your small victories with additional detrimental behavior! Lol...I've just lost 5 pounds so I can go out this weekend and have a large pizza with everything, beer and chocolate cake for dessert! You will have to start all over again!!

For now, I'm pleased to have clicked over from the obese category to the overweight one. One bite at a time!


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