Ground Glass!
Thanks for joining me for another Wyld Wyrds...
Can someone explain to me why people will try the most outrageous diets to try to lose weight, yet when handed the most simple and effective way to lose weight and regain health they make the most absurd excuses and ignore the facts? If I said that by eating ground glass you could drop 15 pounds in just one week (of course I'd charge an exorbitant price for the information) People would cue up for the information!!
I've strongly debated doing this and this is how it would go. First I would start a media campaign teasing a major breakthrough in health and weight loss, you know make it sound too good to be true. I might even throw in some kind of verbiage that makes it sound like some lost ancient secret...just for the dramatic effect! The media campaign would build to a frenzy getting people excited about losing tons of weight and getting their health back. All will be revealed at a specific date, time, place and all for the low, low price of only $499. Finally, the time comes. People are lined up out the door. The cash register is playing a merry tune as people plop down $500 each for the ride to the promised land! There is a light, jaunty tune playing in the background as the attendees buzz with excitement while finding seats. The light dim slightly suggesting that people quiet down and focus their attention to the from. The lights go down and a booming disembodied voice says, "From the beginning of time, man has searched for the secret to maintaining health, vitality and good looks"...(or something to that effect.) "Ancient peoples around the world knew of a secret that allowed them to remain healthy and thin." (Yeah, let's drag this out so people will really feel like they are getting their $500 worth! The music swells and a spotlight beans down on a pedestal that has a large glass bowl filled with fresh fruits, nuts and vegetables.
Yep...I can see it all now. Oh, me? I'd have already scurried out the back door with the cash because people would become an unruly mob with one thought...that they had fleeced of their hard earned greens when in reality if they'd have taken the same hard earned cash and bought some greens...they'd have solved their own problems. The crowd would be furious that someone should suggest that just by eating a whole food, plant-based diet that they could lose weight and in a lot of cases, reverse current health problems.
Before I sign off a quick story. I used to have an acquaintance that was/is morbidly obese. When I knew him he was starting the keto diet. He would shun any kind of carbs and ate high, high protein. He would snack on a whole sausage or Braunschweiger. He'd eat it like a banana. A serving size is 2 oz but it comes in a 16 oz roll and the sodium along is enough to pickle you! A serving is 570mg and he would eat a whole package!! That's 4560mg of sodium in one sitting. I would plead with him to try a whole food, plant-based (WFPB) diet but he was so sure that the keto diet would make him drop the 200+ pounds he needed to lose. The footnote here is that in June of this year he had a heart attack. Fortunately, he survived and maybe now will take a hard look at WFPB.
Sorry to be on a major rant but it doesn't make sense to me. Anyway...have a great rest of your week and stay WYLD! -G
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