How Bad Do You Want It?
Welcome back to Wyld Wyrds. I've been hearing a lot of people say they would like to lose some weight or to get into better shape. My question is always, "How bad do you want it?" Let's talk about that!
I'm one of those people who when he decides he's going to do something...I just do it. Come hell to high water, I've got my eyes set on the prize and I will get there. My wife was commenting on this the other evening and said that she admired that in me. I guess I can't see doing something half way. In my mind you either want it or you don't. Sort of the old Yoda axiom "Do. Or do not. There is no try."
So what does this mean for you? Lots of people say "I'd like to lose some weight." That's an ambiguous statement in a couple of ways for me. First the statement "I'd like to..." is not a definite declaration. It's a desire. A wish. A "gee, wouldn't it be nice..." You need to make the decision to do it and then make it happen. I AM GOING TO LOSE WEIGHT! Plain and simple. Do. Or do not. The mind needs to know that this is a real thing that it is going to start working on. If it's a wishy-washy idea that you are floating out there, you will never see it happen. You may start half-heartedly by walking or working out and maybe try and eat something a bit more healthy but it will never take hold. It needs to be firm in your mind.
The second part of the "I'd like to lose some weight" statement is also problematic in that you have not made it clear as to what your goal is. "Some weight" could be anything. Two pounds is some weight. If that's all you want to lose then that's great but make that statement. I AM GOING TO LOSE TWO POUNDS! Firm and clear. I AM GOING TO WEIGH 165 POUNDS! Visualize yourself at that point. See yourself in your mind as to how you want to look. Or know how you are going to feel. I believe it is crucial to have these specific goals firmly in place because without that, there is no way you can devise a plan of action as to how you are going to get there.
I'm in it for the long haul. My current goal is 165 pounds. It's part of the "Eating the elephant" idea I've talked about. Ultimately I want to get to 145 pounds and I can easily see myself there. It will happen. And to be clear, I'm not on a diet. This is a total lifestyle that I am following so there is no chance of me falling off the wagon, which is the main problem with any "diet." It's only temporary. I am following a Whole Food, Plant-based (WFPB) lifestyle. There isn't a term for someone who is WFPB like there is a vegetarian or vegan. True, I don't eat any kind of meat, eggs or dairy products so technically I'm a vegan but I don't 100% shun animal products like leather and I love a bit of honey in my I guess I'm not really vegan?! Someone needs to come up with a better name for it!!
So that's it for this time. If you are thinking of losing weight or getting into shape or whatever it is, make it a firm statement in your mind and be specific. If necessary set minor sub-goals on the way so you can make the trip easier and rewarding along the way. I know you can do it...just tell yourself you can!! -G
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