Tao Te Tao
Hey Wyld Wyrds fans...thanks for jumping back in with me for another look at my progress. It's again been some time since the last check in. I realized that in the beginning I was really, really fired up with thoughts and ideas firing fast and furious. As mentioned last time, obstacles and life likes to get in the way of progress but as long as you put in at least a little work everyday you can still see the results you are wanting.
Again, I started this as an experiment to see if I could get a 64-year old body (MINE) back into the shape of a 32-year old Bruce Lee. Not that I could become as completely physically fit as Bruce was but just to get into the same weight and body fat ball park. I am NOT there and I have a long way to go...but I have also come a long way which makes me feel that there is a definite chance that I can do this. It is a fight, an on-going struggle and I know it will be until I step on the scale and it gives me the numbers that I want to see.
As part of my program I decided to dig deeper into some of the Asian philosophy and that begins with the Tao Te Ching. If you haven't read it, pick up a copy or find it online. It's a small book with huge ideas that can just be mind blowing. Bruce Lee used the idea of the Tao for his own book called the Tao of Jeet June Do which was his fighting style. The word Tao translates as "WAY". For each of us there is a "way" that works best and we have to find that for ourselves. Everyone you meet will have a way that they will try to impress upon you as THE way. It might be the way for them but as for you, naw. Seek out your own path and find the correct way for you. Even though it's getting colder and the wind blows, getting up before dawn and walking is the best way for me to do my time.
Adding more exercise into my daily routine is challenging but the loose skin on my body needs some coaxing so I've begun to incorporate basic calisthenics and even some jump rope although my coordination needs some work!! Put this together with the whole food, plant-based diet and there does seem to be a better than average chance I will attain my goal! No, I'll never be a Bruce Lee physically but I sure as heck can drop my weight and body fat to within a spitting distance of what he had and maybe, just maybe, I can fit into one of those awesome red or yellow track suits that he was famous for wearing!! Time will tell. Until next time - G
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