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I Don't Get It.

I'm not the smartest sometimes but when hard evidence is placed before me that conclusively proves a point, I don't get why people will go out of their way to refute it or even completely ignore it. Doesn't make any sense. Arthur Schopenhauer is quoted as saying, "All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. There are tons of examples out there from things like flat earthers, politics & religion of every variety...and of course nutrition! (You knew I'd bring that up!) Since starting into this quest to achieve better health I've come across sooo much information that flies in the face of "common knowledge" that you have to sit back and start questioning everything...and I do! Things as simple as a candy bar touting that it now contains 20% less fat when they don't tell you they've just reduced the size of the product by 20%. Of course it's le...

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